
SecureFeed is committed to safeguarding the food safety of animal feed. Raising the level of safety within the animal feed sector can only be achieved if all links in the chain invest in the necessary efforts. This is also applicable to the (feed) suppliers to our participants.They have a key role in guaranteeing food safety, and form the foundation of safe food of animal origin.

SecureFeed participants only operate with supplier-product combinations (LPCs) that have been assessed by SecureFeed. When a participant submits a new LPC with a MIDDLE or HIGH risk classification, additional information on the concerned product in the form of a Feed Safety Data Sheet (FSDS for short) or a product specification must be provided at the time of submission.

If the intended supplier's product is from risk class HIGH, the participant is also required to provide the initial producer of the concerned product. This can be the intended supplier itself, but also another company supplying the supplier. The producer is referred to as the 'upstream supplier'.

New suppliers who supply processed products from the HIGH risk class are audited by SecureFeed before the LPC is admitted and the participant is allowed to use the LPC. The relevant intermediaries (upstream suppliers) are also involved in this audit.

SecureFeed conducts global audits at suppliers and producers of (raw) materials for animal feed. The supplier audit program focuses mainly on suppliers and producers (upstream) of animal feed that fall into the MIDDLE and HIGH risk classifications.

SecureFeed strives continuously to strengthen the assurance of feed and food safety of the animal feeds (feed materials, premixes, additives, complementary animal feeds, etc.) that its participants receive, process and sell.

Aflatoxin B1 is a carcinogenic mycotoxin formed by various Aspergillus fungi.

SecureFeed participants are only allowed to purchase supplier-product combinations (LPCs in Dutch) that have been assessed and approved by SecureFeed. SecureFeed participants are required to register new supplier-product combinations in our database.